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Beijing Lingye Yidong Technology Co., Ltd.
Beijing, China
المنتجات الرئيسيةسائل غسيل الزجاج الأمامي ، سائل معالجة حرق الزيت ، زيت العناية بالجلد ، رذاذ مضاد للصدأ ، إضافات تنظيف نظام الوقود
على استعداد للسفينة
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عرض المزيد

Beijing Lingye Yidong Technology Co., Ltd. (LYYD), registered in Beijing, China, is a well-known supplier of automotive maintenance chemicals, serving more than 130 brand operators such as 3M, Valvoline and CTP, etc.


Products include all kinds of fuel/lubricating oil additives, Carbon deposits cleaner, automotive aftertreatment system cleaning agent, automotive air conditioning cleaning fluid, automotive appearance cleaning agent, automotive beauty chemicals, etc.


The technology comes from the independent R&D institute, Lingzhi Liaoyuan (Beijing) Energy Saving and Environmental Protection Technology Research Institute (LZLY), who continuously develops the superior and safe formulation for customers in different markets.